Double down system

There are often enticing games on the internet that offer safe ways to win with online betting. As we have said many times before, there is no 100% winning method, but you can certainly learn to bet more consciously and thereby increase your chances of winning.
Let's get acquainted with the double bet system today. World Cup highlights and 20 things you should know before the 2022 World Cup in Qatar in this article:

Duplication, what is it and how does it work

The philosophy of this betting system is to win twice as much as you bet every time, so that after a good period of time, you can get a substantial win. It goes without saying that you need to be patient: this is not a way to win quickly, and you should not fall into the trap of looking for higher odds to speed up the process. There are several steps to doubling down on the stakes, most notably choosing a budget.

We've talked about how important bankroll management is in any game: it keeps us from spending more than we're prepared to lose in the worst case. Once the budget is determined, let's say 50 euros, we must decide how many parts to divide it into in order to determine the bet amount in the first coupon. Let's say we want to divide it into 5 parts of 10€ each.

Once these estimates have been made, we are ready to look for two or at most three events to play in order to achieve an overall betting odds of (or very close to) 2.00. These will be very low odds, almost certainly, so as to maximize the odds of winning over the one event listed at 2.00. The bet is made with the aim of doubling the 10 euros that we decided to wager:

  • In case of a win, a second bet of €10 will be placed.
  • In case of loss, the second bet must be twice the previous one, in our case 20 euros.

It is logical that this method can lead to spending significant amounts (especially if you lose), and it is for this reason that we emphasized the importance of budgeting before starting. This method is called "progressive doubling".

There is also a "Simple Double" method. In this case, you must choose a fixed bet and continue to always bet a fixed amount throughout the month, regardless of the outcome of the bets. Thus, at the end of the month, it is enough to win just over 50% of the doubles to be positive.
Be sure to read also: World Cup 2022 in Qatar, what you need to know before the competition