Samsung Galaxy On5 Pro and Galaxy On7 pro, the successors to last year’s Galaxy On 5 and Galaxy On 7 has been launched in India. Priced at Rs. 9190 and Rs. 11,190 respectively, both the Smartphones come in Gold and black colors and exclusively available at Amazon India. As a part of introductory offers, the devices come with 2GB+200 Mins+200 SMS at Rs.343 a month or 3GB+300 Mins+ 300 SMS for 12 months for idea prepaid users and a holiday discount offer from Thomas cook worth Rs. 6000.
Both runs on Android Marshmallow and comes equipped with Ultra data saving (UDS) mode and S bike mode first seen in Galaxy J series. On5 Pro and On7 Pro runs on Android Marshmallow 6.0 out of the box.
Samsung Galaxy On5 Pro:
It sports a 5 inch HD TFT display and utilizes a Quad core Exynos 3475 processor clocked at 1.3 GHz backed by 2GB RAM and Mali-T720GPU. It boasts 16GB of internal memory which can be expanded up 128GB using a Micro SD card. It sports an 8 Megapixel rear camera with LED flash, f/2.2 aperture alongside a 5 megapixel front facing camera.
It packs with connectivity options including 4G LTE, bluetooth 4.1, GPS/GLONASS, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Micro USB 2.0, and Wi-Fi direct. The handset takes its juice from a 2600mah battery which is good to deliver 15 hours of talktime and 11 hours of internet usage. It measures 142.3 x 72.1 x 8.5mm and weighs 149 grams.
Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro:
The Galaxy On7 Pro has a 5.5-inch HD (1280 x 720 pixels) IPS display and powered by a 1.2 GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon 410 (MSM8916) processor clubbed with Adreno 306 GPU and 2GB RAM. It too comes with 16GB of on board storage which is further extendable up to 128GB using a Micro SD card.
It is packed with better camera units such as 13MP at rear with LED flash, f/2.2 aperture and HD video recording capability. For video calling and Selfies, it is equipped with a 5 megapixel front shooter. Connectivity options are similar to On 5 pro while it is backed by bigger battery unit of 3000mah.
Despite the new design, upgrades and added features Samsung Smartphones still seem incompetent to take on the competition.