After several speculations and leaks, Samsung Galaxy J2 (2016) has been reportedly launched in India at Rs. 9750. The device is said to go on sale from 14th July across all the leading offline and online retail stores in Silver, black and gold color shades. It is bundled with 6 months double data offer for Airtel prepaid users of worth up to Rs 4,500.
The Smartphone comes with new turbo speed technology (TST) which claims to provide 40 percent faster performance along with double up of RAM by shutting down idle applications. Another interesting feature on board is smart glow ring which can be use to customize for priority notifications for any app or even contact. Moreover, the Selfie assist feature enables you take selfies via rear camera and customization for number of alerts. The 2016 version of J2 also features Ultra data saving (UDS) and S bike Modes.
As for the specs, it sports a 5 inch HD AMOLED display and fuelled by a 1.5 GHz Quad core Spreadtrum SC8830 processor clubbed with 1.5 GB of RAM. It includes 8 GB internal storage which is further expandable up to 32GB via a Micro SD card. It runs on Android Marshmallow 6.0 with revamped user interface.
The Smartphone bears an 8 Megapixel rear camera with LED flash, f/2.2 aperture and Smart glow feature. For Video calling and Selfies, it gets a 5 megapixel front shooter with f/2.2 aperture and wide angle lens. In addition it has dual SIM, 4G LTE, bluetooth 4.1, GPS, FM radio, 3.5 mm audio jack, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and Micro USB 2.0 as connectivity options. It measures 142.4 X 71.1 X 8.0 mm and backed by a 2600mah battery which can easily last for entire day with mixed usage on single charge.