OnePlus has launched a new Soft gold limited edition of its latest Flagship Oneplus 5 in India at Rs. 32,999. The device will be available to buy on August 9th, 2017, 12:00 AM on Amazon India and brand’s official website. In addition, customers can also buy it from OnePlus Experience stores in Bangalore, Select Citywalk in New Delhi and Mall of India Noida till supplies last.
According to Oneplus, the finish of this Soft Gold version is 30 percent finer than previous versions thanks to its advanced sandblasting process. Moreover, the 8GB RAM version was available only in Midnight black colour but now it will be available also in Slate grey colour on Amazon, Oneplus official website and Oneplus experience stores in the coming weeks.
Just to remind, OnePlus 5 flaunts a 5.5 inch full HD AMOLED display and powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor clubbed with 6GB/8GB RAM. It comes with non-expandable 64GB and 128GB variants. The camera segment includes dual rear camera set up at rear with 20MP and 16MP and a 16MP front facing camera. It comes powered by a 3300mah battery with dash charge support.
Commenting on the launch of the Soft Gold colour variant of OnePlus 5, Vikas Agarwal, General Manager at OnePlus India, was quoted saying “As a maker of the most beautifully designed smartphones, it gives us immense joy to introduce the latest OnePlus 5 with even more refined and elegant Soft Gold finish this festival season. The latest OnePlus 5 Soft Gold will appeal to those who are looking for the perfect balance of beautiful design and powerful features.”