After the launch of Cool 3 smartphone, Coolpad has launched Cool 3 Plus smartphone in India. It has face unlock and a fingerprint sensor on the back. On the launch, the Coolpad India CEO commented: We are thrilled to launch the Coolpad Cool 3 Plus which will transform the definition of budget smartphones in the country. While designing the smartphone, we have kept in mind the needs of young millennials who look for products that exceed their expectations. The Indian smartphone industry is at a cusp of innovation and with the launch of our latest product, we aim to provide Indian customers with the best of technology and upgrade the smartphone era. To further this, we will soon be launching 5G-ready smartphones in India with 800+ patents under its name.
Check out the specifications of the phone below:
The Smartphone features a 5.71-inch (1520 x 720 pixels) HD+ display and is powered by 2GHz Quad-Core MediaTek Helio A22 12nm processor with IMG PowerVR GE-class GPU. It runs on Android 9.0 (Pie) , is Dual SIM and comes with a fingerprint sensor and face unlock. The device houses a 3000mAh battery. On the connectivity front, it offers Dual 4G VoLTE, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.2 and GPS+ GLONASS.
The device is available in two storage options, 2GB RAM with 16GB internal storage and 3GB RAM with 32GB internal storage, which can be expanded up to 128GB via microSD card.
The Smartphone is equipped with a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and 8 Megapixel front facing Camera with beautify features.
Color and Price:
The Coolpad Cool 3 Plus is available in Cherry Black and Ocean Blue and is priced at INR. 5,999 for the 2GB RAM with 16GB storage version while the 3GB RAM with 32GB storage version costs INR. 6,499. It will be available on Amazon from July 2nd. The Cool 3 is getting an offline-exclusive 4GB RAM with 64GB storage version that is priced at INR. 7,999.